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Final Post

We got our results this week from the March assessment so this will be my final posting for this module.

I was quite pleasantly surprised with my grade (65%) as I honestly thought that I would not do so well. It seems that my Context component has gone up which means I’m getting the hanging of comparing my work against current contemporary practice: “Awareness of an excellent breadth of contexts and debates supporting your growing personal and/or professional knowledge and understanding”.

Overall remarks by the assessors were also very positive:

A very well organized and competent submission, which demonstrated close attention to detail with regards to presentation. The assessors acknowledged your positive response to tutor feedback throughout the progression of the module, especially in relation to research conducted into relevant practitioners and the reworking of specific assignment components (Assignment 1).

There was also evidence of an excellent level of engagement with regards to the research conducted, which clearly had a positive impact on the creative output developed for each assignment. It was considered that you did push yourself in relation to what can potentially be considered a challenging module, which should therefore be viewed as a really positive step towards further study at Level 02 of the programme.

I am more than happy with this outcome. It seems that I’m working in the right direction. My thanks to my tutor, Moira Lovell, for all her encouragement and pushing me beyond my safety net.

For those of you who have been following my progress in the Identity & Place module, thank you for your support! Please feel free to continue to follow my photographic journey. My next module is Level 2 – Landscape – .

Note to the Assessors

Dear Assessors,

Thank you for taking the time to evaluate my work.

My learning log is online and can be located at: . The blog is in descending date order (standard blog format), however, I have arranged the assignments so that they can be viewed in consecutive order. Each assignment’s post begins with the assignment, followed by the tutor feedback and my reflections and ends with any revision/rework that I have done as a result of the tutor feedback.

To access each assignment, tutor feedback and any revisions done, please click on the assignment number you wish to view at the top menu as indicated by the arrow in the screen shot below and you will be able to scroll in consecutive order.

My research is accessible by going to the submenus under Research and Reflection on the menu at the top of the blog as illustrated below. If you prefer to view my Research and Reflection without going through the submenus, then please just click on the Research and Reflection button to access the posts in descending order (standard blog format). Research relevant to each assignment is mentioned in my assignment write up and is hyperlinked to the relevant posts as well.

Included in this package are:

  • the contact sheets of the initial submission photos for assignments 1 – 4. Contact sheets are clearly labeled on the back of each sheet.
  • Final prints for each assignment:
    • five (5) prints from assignments 1;
    • five (5) prints for assignment 2;
    • ten (10) prints for assignment 3;
    • fourteen (14) prints for assignment 4 and
    • fourteen (14) prints for assignment 5 (total of 48).

Prints are clearly labeled on the back of each print.

  • all five (5) tutor reports. Electronic copies of the tutor reports have also been uploaded to my assigned Google Drive and are located under Tutor Reports, clearly named in the following format [Lynda_Kuit_512863_Fedback_Assignment_No_IAP.pdf].
  • one (1) supplementary physical learning logs which I have mainly used for inspirational images and gallery visits.

Please note for assessment purposes that I have only uploaded the tutor reports to the Google Drive. Everything else is located on my blog.

Thank you

Final Reflections

Looking back to my first postings in April 2016, I realise how far I have come. I have now completed level 1 and am moving on. This course was not an easy one. It was challenging – approaching people on the street to take their photos was something of a mental block for me, which I actually found rather disconcerting as I have done this before quite successfully during a local photography school course that I attended quite a few years ago. Maybe I was just out of practise, or maybe as one ages one loses the gumption to approach people. This was one stumbling block for me but I eventually overcame it. It was all just in my head really. Personally I had a rather bad year of it as both my parents passed away within eight months of each other and that threw me off balance quite a bit.

I attended a lot of exhibitions during this course, ranging from Picasso to Harry Callahan, Lewis Baltz and Walker Evans and local Canadian photographers. I even managed to get in two exhibitions in London on a stop-over on the way back home from South Africa and was able to meet two fellow students as well.

This course, I think in retrospect, was uncomfortable because subconsciously it made me look within myself and all the assignments do reflect aspects of me – from body image issues to women in the work place to the multicultural student population I work with each day to my neighbourhood. I have certainly grown in my photographic outlook, my opinions on art in general, not just photography has changed quite dramatically. I find myself questioning work more than stating a like/dislike for it, although I still have a long way to go to be fluent in my critiques.

I discovered ambiguity during this course and my tutor stressed it so much that it is on the forefront of my mind when making work and find myself looking for it in the work of others. If nothing else this has been an invaluable lesson.

I’m hoping to carry forward all the lessons learned during this module to my next module and to keep the momentum going and build on this foundation for Level 2.

Almost done

Apart from some tidying up and getting ready for the March 2018 assessment, I am done with Identity and Place. My final posts here will be my usual note to the assessors and my assessment results. I’m moving on to Level 2: Landscape – and am really quite excited about the course. I’m hoping my mojo has a revival and that I can bring lots of creativity to the new course. So far I’m having a good feeling!

Thank you to all those who have followed me here. My journey continues at and I hope to see you there.